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Self Improvement

Hey, hey, hey and happy Tuesday to you! I had off yesterday for President’s Day, and as the first day off since the Christmas holidays it was mucho appreciated. I thank you all for your feedback on my last post, I’m going to try to start updating more and see how I feel about it. I do like writing here as it makes me feel like much less of a crazy person, but I still get a little uncomfortable since it was such a point of contention in my last relationship.

I had a lovely V-Day date with my roommate, we got our nails done and drank beer and ate wings. Personally, I feel every holiday should include beer and chicken wings, but that’s just me. Her and I also had a great conversation about how we generally feel like we’re getting ourselves more together lately, and how much better we’re feeling because of it. I’m working on three years of living in Arlington, and only feel like I’ve given it a real chance recently. For the first two years all I could do was countdown until the time when I could leave and move away, and I think it really fucked things up for me. I didn’t let myself become close to the people I was around all of the time, and as a result they didn’t let themselves become close to me.

I’ve been making more of an effort lately to see people, and hang out, and get to know people and it’s paying off because they’re finally getting to know me too. I’ve gotten a lot of “I had you pegged completely differently” lately, and I’m getting invited to things I almost surely wouldn’t have a year ago. Does that mean I have 5 weddings and 2 baby showers between April and October, yes, but I’m excited! My roommate, Adrienne, was away for the long weekend and I usually would have used that as an excuse to not go out and do anything. Because ya know, I can’t go alone, but I didn’t. So with that in mind, let’s dive in.

Friday I drank all of the Bud Light on the planet, while playing darts and other bar with some of my work friends. I can usually muster a pretty decent game of Cricket, but saweet jesus was I on point on Friday.

This was my second double bull in a row, I went on to hit about 6 more

Jen and I... I look fat and stumpy next to her

Jen and I… I look fat and stumpy next to her

I was home by like 10:30-11 which meant I was up by 8:30 on Saturday. I had no intention of sitting around the house all day by myself doing nothing, so instead I took myself out on a little date. Sure, I wore my glasses but it was nice! I hit up the Courthouse theater, which is amazeballs with it’s reclining leather seats and saw Silver Lining’s Playbook. I really liked the movie, especially all the Eagles nonsense and Brad and Jen (not theeeee Brad and Jen RIP) are super cute together on screen. After the movie I went to dinner, and sat at the bar alone eating and drinking, until my friend Sharon joined me a few hours later.

wearing glasses out totally threw me off my game btw

wearing glasses out totally threw me off my game btw

Sunday did involve lots of lounging around, until I ventured out for trivia that night. I wasn’t the only one who thought a Sunday night trivia adventure could be fun, because 16 of my friends also showed up. We had a great time taking advantage of the Monday holiday. Even though we all SUCKED at trivia. Now I’m not sure if this makes me sad or just adult-like, but the best part of my weekend involved things I purchased for the house yesterday. One was a rug that I’ll show you once I get it (or you can go look at AP’s because I copied her since I want to be her 😉 this is not news to her) and the other was a 5 drawer organizer for my bathroom.

I'm so organized, it makes me ridiculously happy

I’m so organized, it makes me ridiculously happy

Anyway, that’s your weekend update. This week looks to be pretty standard, I’ve got a bridal shower and bach party this weekend that I’m looking forward to, but that’s about it! Hope y’all are lovely!

Another Round

I went on another date last night. Different guy, same first date nerves as before though. This one also went pretty well. The guy was nice, funny, and we hit it off conversation wise. I don’t recall any awkward silences. He even stood up from the table when I came back from the bathroom, which confused me at first since it’s something I’m very much not used to. He walked me to my car at the end of the evening, and gave me a polite hug. It was fine.

Which is why I’m mad at myself for going home and thinking about how I miss my ex. How do you miss someone who did something so terrible, and said so many mean things to you? It makes me feel like an idiot to be laying in bed at night, missing him; because really only an idiot would miss someone who did that to them. Obviously I got tons of sleep last night and am feeling refreshed and well-rested today.

Anyway. The rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Stayed in on Friday night eating Thai food in my pajamas and watching Dawson’s Creek on Netflix, hung out with Kacy and her fiance for a little bit on Saturday watching the OU game, and went out yesterday to watch some NFL games.

I actually only have three days in the office this week before I head back up to Pennsylvania yet again for a long weekend. My friend Ashley is getting married on Friday, and I can’t wait to celebrate.  I hope you all had a good weekend, happy Monday!


Hey everyone, wanted to check in and let ya all know I’m still alive and kicking over here.  Slowly but surely, every day I start to feel a little better, and I officially haven’t cried since Thursday.  Three days is a major accomplishment when you take into consideration that for those two weeks I was crying every day.  We still have no resolution in terms of the mortgage, and getting my name off of it, so that is just hovering in a cloud of dread over me, but hey that’s life.

Instead of sitting in my house with a straw in a wine bottle, I’ve been out doing things to keep myself occupied.  On Thursday night, my lovely sister-wife Kacy was kind enough to meet me for happy hour at the new Buffalo Wild Wings that just opening in Ballston.

Photo shamelessly stolen from Kacy

Fiver hours, and about 6 of those giant beers later, we called it a night.  I woke up on Friday morning feeling less than stellar, probably more to blame on the two glasses of wine I indulged in when I got home than the beers, but still made it through a terrible and busy work day.  I’m too old to party hard two nights in a row, so despite a post-work nap I couldn’t pull myself together for Friday night and instead spent it in my glasses on the couch watching the Opening Ceremonies.

I had some errands to run on Saturday, and actually put some effort into my appearance instead of running out in workout clothes with my hair in a ponytail.  Hey ya never know, right?

Please excuse my dirty mirror, I have since windexed it

My errands included a trip to the Apple store to see why my iPod won’t stay charged and a trip to Barnes and  Noble to see why my NOOK won’t turn on.  Come on electronics, get it together.  I am now the owner of a new (but exactly the same) iPod and a NOOK that is charged for now.  I then spent a few hours on the couch with an ice cold beer and the Olympics before cleaning up a bit to head out for a night on the town.

Saturday night was a lot of fun, despite a broken Tory Burch flip flop and blister the size of Montana.  It started out with dinner and drinks with my roommate, Adrienne, at the Green Turtle and ended at a co-workers birthday celebration at Union Jacks.  I did some dancing, a lot of drinking, and a lot of sarcastic mocking to people too drunk to realize it.  Also, it’s really funny when a 21 year-old hits on you, and then his eyes bug out of his head when you tell him you’re 27.  I thought he was literally going to fall over.  Kids.

Anyway, so that was my week/weekend.  Now to get through another week.  If people would stop getting engaged and posting it on Facebook that would be great.  I saw four engagement announcements over the weekend.  Four!  Cool it people, don’t you know I just got dumped?