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Well I’m back at work today, and the most difficult part of getting here was driving out of my neighborhood.  The fact that it never got plowed probably has something to do with that, but hey oh well.  I spent a lot of time last night confused and thinking it was Sunday, only to remember it was Thursday and only one day of work stood between me and the weekend.  So happy Friday!

The roommates, especially Adrienne, and I were starting to suffer from severe cabin fever yesterday, so after digging our cars out we went on a little shopping adventure.  We only had one thing on the list, and it only took two stops to find it.

Say hello to our new flat screen, 47 inch, LCD TV.  It was waaaay past time for an upgrade, since the previous TV had been around since our college days.  Plus we’re having a Super Bowl party, and we couldn’t very well expect people to watch the game in non HD.  So yeah, we splurged, and then spent the rest of the night admiring it.

Pumpkin’s vet appointment yesterday was frustrating.  Apparently someone didn’t go to the doctors with a full bladder, so they couldn’t get a sample.  They did however try to use an ultra sound machine to find her bladder, which she did NOT like at all.  I could hear her meowing from all the way downstairs in the waiting room.  They also left all the jelly they used on her belly, which I had to wipe off.  So now we have to go back tomorrow morning, and if she still doesn’t have a full enough bladder, I’ll have to leave her there for a few hours so they can get a sample.  Poor Pumpkin.

The weather this week really screwed up my training, and I’m hoping to get a run in today after work, unless some really fun plans come up instead.  I’m not too worried about it though, because I still have 9 weeks of training ahead of me, and it’s not like I’m starting from scratch here.  No real plans for the weekend yet, people have been hibernating in the cold weather.  Anyone else doing anything fun?

Crazy Cat Lady

It is a slushy disgusting mess out there this morning.  I woke up around 3 am to the sound of ice falling outside my window, and it’s still going.  Roommate Adrienne has off today because her school district is closed, but Dani and I had to drag ourselves out the door to work.  Here’s to hoping the 5-10 inches of snow expected to start falling this afternoon into tonight keeps us home tomorrow.



Is it spring yet?


After taking into consideration everyone’s comments yesterday, I’ve decided to just kind of use the virtual training plan as a guide, but really make up my own.  I actually loved the one from Runners World that I followed for my half training, so I’ll probably base this one off of that.  In case anyone is curious, the virtual training program says to make today a recovery from yesterdays hill workout, or do some cross training.  So I guess it does get more specific in the daily emails.

Anyway, last night I knocked out 4 miles in about a 9:40 pace.  I say about because I’m not sure since the gd treadmill decided to randomly shut off 1.5 miles into my run.  No warning, no slowing down, just all of a sudden at a complete stop.  You can imagine how gracefully I handled that, yes, I stumbled and nearly fell.  Love it.  No idea if a workout will happen tonight because of the lovely weather, I’ll be sure to let you all know if it does.  Don’t worry.

In non running and weather related news, and the inspiration for this posts title, I’m going to talk about my cat.  I had to take Pumpkin to the vet on Saturday; I just moved down here and wanted to find a new one and develop a relationship with them.  It’s also been a few years since she’s been since my vet at home retired, woops :(.  Anyway, after the initial visit they gave her a clean bill of health, said all looked good, and they’d call with her blood test results.  Sunday morning I get a message from the vet, that the blood results came back and everything looks ok, but there are some things that we should investigate.  Three unanswered phone calls from me later, and one message asking them to call me back, I finally talked to the vet last night.

Apparently there are two levels that are higher than they like regarding kidney function, so I need to bring her back in for a urine test.  Fast forward to me immediately freaking the fuck (yes I said fuck on the internet) out, especially after they tell me how they get the urine.  BLAH!  So she goes back Thursday, and until then I will be imagining all worse case scenarios.  Pumpkin is my baby, I’ve had her since I was 19 years old, I thought it’d be fun to look at some pictures of when I first got her.  Sorry if you don’t agree, like I said, I’m a crazy cat lady.

Me and Pumpkin the day I got her

She always loved to cuddle

She even came to college and learned how to play things like asshole and beer pong

Yes, she is a midget cat, she still only weighs 7lbs 12 oz.  Anyway, wish her good luck at the vet on Thursday, and since I’m trying not to drink this week give me some other ways to keep from spazzing.  Thanks.  Oh yeah, I also made dinner for me and the roommates last night.  It was my favorite Parmesan Crusted Chicken Stuffed with Mozzarella and Asparagus with a Lemon Poppy Seed Sauce.