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So, it currently feels like 6 degrees outside and I have salt all over the  bottom of my  black pants.  You know why?  The lovely sheet of snow that apparently fell sometime during the night, when I thought the roof was going to blow off my house.  The wind last night was seriously rattling everything, and because I have to sleep with my windows at least cracked or I melt, it came whistling in all night long.  Lovely, nothing sends drivers in the south into a panic like the first snow to stick to the roads.  One of the school districts here was even on a two-hour delay!  It was funny to see the difference in amounts of snow just 20 minutes north.  At home there was none on the ground, but as I got closer and closer to work, there was more and two of the lanes on the highway were still covered.


Just enough to annoy me


I hit up the gym this morning, and did 35 minutes on the elliptical followed by some weights (chest and back), then it was to Starbucks for a Gingerbread Latte, and the gas station so I wouldn’t have a repeat of last Wednesday, tomorrow.

My workout last night was pretty good also.  I did 4 miles on the treadmill in 36:40, so about a 9:10 pace, and then lifted biceps and triceps.  Yup that’s right, I’m officially trying to re-incorporate weight training into my workout routine.  I used to all the time in college, and somehow I’ve become a cardio queen since then.  I’m hoping weights will help with my running and trying to lower my pace.

Dinner was leftovers from Sunday night, I added the link to the recipe in yesterday’s post, but you can also find it on my “Wanna Eat What I Eat” page ;).  The only thing not included in the original recipe, is the addition of a Lemon Poppy Seed Salad dressing.  So far I’ve used Trader Joes brand and Cape Cod Sweet and Sour Poppyseed, both work wonderfully.

Um, so 10 days until Christmas Eve?  When did that happen, I seriously can’t believe it’s next week already!  Lucky me, I’m heading back home on the 23rd, am off the 24th-28th, have two days of work and then am off again for New Years Eve.  Can’t beat that :).  Happy Tuesday!

12 Responses

  1. Oh man– I HATE wind like that!!! We’ve seriously had nights where I thought our house was going to BLOW away!

  2. It was so windy this morning while I was driving to work. I thought my car was going to blow away! The snow looks so pretty! I hope we get a light dusting of snow soon. 🙂

  3. That is one of the (few) benefits to living in a basement suite. I can never hear the wind. Its been storming like crazy around here and I never hear it.

  4. The drifting snow has been annoying here. Not so much a huge hazard, but annoying. Yuck.

    And nice work on getting to the gym early in this chilly weather! I think the only reason AM workouts are getting done are because they’re inside my apartment on the tv…

  5. Um, I didn’t think it could get colder there than it was last week. Brrr is right!!

    Good job on the workouts. I’m trying to add weights back in as well and I’m enjoying it so far.

    I can’t believe Christmas is so close!

  6. It is so, so cold. We had just a sprinkling of snow, but it was enough to make me reach for the ice scraper. Which is a terrible way to start a morning!

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