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So… about that hip

Welp, I went to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon, and it went a little bit worse than I was expecting. I honestly thought that maybe I had a stress fracture in the neck of the hip or something, which whatever rest and it gets better, but nope. My X-Rays showed that I actually have something called Femoralacetubular Impingement, which is a deformity of the hips. In my case the ball of my hip joint doesn’t curve inward, where it should, instead curves out so it causes abnormal rubbing on the socket joint. I wish I had asked to take a picture of my X-Ray (I will when I go back) because I apparently have really long hip necks, whatever that means.



Apparently a lot of the time this type of thing doesn’t really cause a lot of problems, ya know unless you’re doing something with the same repeated motion over and over and over. Like long distance running. In that case, the ball not fitting in the socket correctly causes rubbing against the Labrum, until it tears, and that’s when people start experiencing pain. At this point, my heart kind of sank, because I know exactly the treatment process for a torn Labrum since my friend, Jen, went through it a year or so ago. Arthroscopic surgery, with 6-12 weeks recovery time.

Granted I still need to have my MRI, complete with Arthrogram, to confirm that I actually have a torn Labrum, but with the hip deformity, my lack of range of motion, and area of pain my doctor seemed pretty confident. I also have the added bonus of probably need my hip shaved down, so that it wouldn’t happen again. Needless to say, I’m pretty bummed. I cried a little about it on Tuesday night, drank a lot of about it, and am trying not to completely freak out until MRI results come back. Because of the procedure I need, the first available MRI appointment wasn’t until May 5. So there’s lots of time for me to freak out and stress out until then.

I guess a disgusting, antibiotic resistant,, bacterial infection of the leg wasn’t enough of an injury this year. At least I already have crutches for the 5 weeks post-surgery I would need them for. Womp, freakin, womp.

Stuff and Things

Alright, I think I have finally pulled myself out of the depression that comes from admitting injury and dropping out of a race, so I’m back. I’ve also finally accepted that ignoring the pain in my hip for over a month hasn’t helped it get any better, so I’m actually calling a doctor today. Womp, womp. If my first broken bone ends up being my hip, at age (almost) 29 you can expect an endless amount of old age jokes. In order to avoid the sulking that would have come with staying in DC for the weekend while the race was going on, I got the hell out-of-town and headed to a place that always makes me happy.

hburgGood old Harrisonburg, Va, home of JMU. It was a great decision, because there’s nothing more I enjoy than outdoor day drinking even if we were pretending it was about 15 degrees warmer than it actually was. There was a variety of drinking games played and lots of cornhole. (Sidenote: if you need some awesome cornhole bags, my friend makes these  and you can get them in your team/school’s colors, also pictured above). I also discovered the gloriousness that is the Moscow Mule that weekend, and have declared them my drink of the summer. Now if someone wants to buy me some copper mugs to drink out of… I’d be ok with that.

This past weekend I hit up DC Beerfest at Nationals Park with a group of my friends, pictures above under my Instagram feed, and it was a perfect day for it. As is usually par for the course with day drinking in the sun and heat, I was home and in bed at 11 pm. Don’t mind me and my broken hip, I’m just busy being old.

That’s about all I have to say today. Ok, bye.




That Time I Sat and Cried on a Bike Path…

Oh… it was Monday, because thanks to the shitastic weather over the weekend I was trying to do my final long run before Cherry Blossom this weekend. Instead, I sat down and cried after 2 miles, before realizing I was 2 miles away from where I started and needed to get back there to go home. So I got up, and slogged my way back to the gym where my car was parked and pretty much admitted to myself that trying to run 10 miles this weekend might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. And I bought a house in Wisconsin once, so that’s saying something.

I don’t know what I did to my hip, but I do know the 6 miler last weekend, followed by 3 miles on Monday and 4 on Wednesday did not help the situation at all. I’m super bummed, and really cranky, and I HATE quitting things, but it hurts to walk and when I run I feel like I’m carrying a completely dead leg that I just get no response from. So… uh I think I’m out, and I’m probably taking a pretty long break from running. I can’t even pinpoint what the problem might be, because it just hurts everywhere. The hip flexor, the side, even in the side of my butt. Sigh. I think I’m even more pissed because I was having such a good training up until I tweaked something. Oh well, maybe we’ll try another race in the fall.

I don’t really have anything else to talk about, except super nerdy stuff like how excited I am to put together the bookcases my roommate and I ordered and to organize my shoes by heel height and color tonight. Picture something like this:

I might get out of town for the weekend to take my mind of the fact that I’m supposed to be running a race, but we’ll see. Ok enough whining, there are worse problems in life to have. At least it’s kind finally feeling like spring? Kind of?

